The Fall of the Gods, 2024

Dimensions, Warehouse Libertas, Koper, Slovenija 
manual chain hoist, metal ribs, tie down transport strap

A new perspective and way of seeing, which I called ‘The Fall of the Gods’, opened up as I reflected on artistic practice in relation to everyday observation and experience of the world. The title comes from the film by Luchino Visconti, which was originally called "La caduta degli dei ", and was based on Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth and the Krupp family.The floating body in space represents a state of suspension. It gives the viewer a sense of the fluctuation that can occur and that can lead to a reversal. The round, shimmering form, on the other hand, emphasises the power and pressure of the light forces. It obscures the viewer’s own reaction, so that it can only be perceived through the senses. So the work reflects the current state of the world. It relates it to the decadent state of society in the film in the pre-World War II era.


